Indian Horoscopes – May: The ‘My Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother was a Scottish Princess” Edition.
Indian Horoscopes, The ‘My Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother was a Scottish Princess” edition.
JANUARY Kisê-pîsim – The Great Moon – Deer
Bingo caller is cute, too bad they never call your numbers right! You’ll be ok though, spending time with Mushom and Kukom is its own reward and besides you’re that much closer to getting that cuties number. That’s the prize you’re really after! Keep playing the Speed Ball Special but be sure to at least try to strike up a conversation during break, and no, ‘do you like handling balls’ isn’t a good opener.
FEBRUARY Mikisiwi-pîsim– The Eagle Moon – Eagle
Theres a dam beaver blocking your flow of emotional openness and your family is starting to notice. It’s past time you sought out help for your memories otherwise its going to keep affecting your relationships. Speak to an elder about whats on your mind and don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself. Remember, you are a creation of the Most High and were born for a future and a hope.
MARCH Niski-pîsim – The Goose Moon – Cougar
Treaty money has gotten you all excited this year, been 5 years eh? Already prepping your days off so you can make it down to stand in line – can’t wait to get your name crossed off that list, get your money and shake that RCMP officers hand so you can head straight to the pool hall to meet the match of your dreams! Who knows, they might already have their snagging blanket ready for you!
APRIL Ayikî-pîsim – The Frog Moon – Beaver
I see you rolling down the rez, and you got the mind on the Indian tacos and Indian tacos on the mind crusing to get some at your kukoms place but she sees you got a fin and she wants you to chip in. People are starting to say “if they’re 32 and still needs Kukom to support them, they too rez for you!” Might be time to consider striking out on your own and making your own way!
MAY Sâkipakâwi-pîsim – The Budding Moon – Bear
Pool halls have always been your down fall, telling everyone about how you can handle your stick and balls in tight situations! But this week why don’t you head over to Yorkton and find some billiards there to clean up in, I’m sure you’ll meet you match. Maybe take you snagging blanket too, who knows they might be cute.
JUNE Pâskâwihowi-pîsim – The Hatching Moon – Thunderbird
Garage sales season is just around the corner and you’re already taking notes on community garage sales in all of your treaty area! The other Kukoms are already trying to play nice buying you coffee hoping you’ll share your list, but remember the last time you did that? They took your list and sent kukoms in the four directions before you even started your minivan! Share some of your list this year, but keep some for yourself too!
JULY Paskowi-Pîsim – The Moulting Moon – Coyote
Firefighting season is just about here and you’re ready to be a leader in this round! Take some of those youngens under your wing and teach them the secrets of the trade! You know the ones, the ones your uncle taught you when you first started. Knowledge grows stagnate when you horde it, but its like water to a plant when you share it with people!
AUGUST Ohpahowi-pîsim – The Flying Up Moon – Mouse
This year’s pow wow trail is going to lead you all over the map, follow family, enjoy your friendships, build new relationships over the summer – snag if your single, be faithful if you’re snagged, this season as with every other plants the seeds of Karma for your future and it’s what you do and how you react that comes back to you because – karma always starts from your own heart.
SEPTEMBER Nôcihitowi-pîsim– The Mating Moon – Salmon
Be spontaneous! Go to a random Tim Horton, not your usual stop! Go to Canadian Tire instead of Wal-Mart! Shop for a clothing style that you’d never wear and try it out! Eat some other ethnic food and have an open mind! But whatever you do just make sure you try something new this month! It may be the start of a new passion for you!
OCTOBER Pinaskâwi-pîsim – The Migrating Moon – Turtle
Your rust bucket Thunderbird isn’t ready to head south just yet, but be sure to use it for minimal drives and accept rides to town from family and friends because you know that old bird ain’t got too many more miles in it. Not much I can tell you about it or getting another car in your future – you see when you play video games and Facebook all day that leaves little time for earning money – think about it…
NOVEMBER Iyikopiwi-pîsim – The Frost Moon – Wolf
Berry picking is relaxing, go to the local elders and ask them about sharing. When you’re young the first lesson you learn is usually sharing the berries you’ve picked with your loved ones. It’s a simple lesson and it’s an important one you always need to keep in mind. Think about it as you watch the berries grow this season, how can you share more of yourself with the ones you love – your time, you home, your life.
DECEMBER Pawâcakinasîsi-pîsim – The Frost Exploding Trees Moon – Spider
Take up painting eh, you’re always telling people you’re awesome at everything but yet no one ever sees you doing anything. You’re afraid to do something because people will know you can’t do what you say you can. You’d rather have the image of someone who can do it all rather than the reality of not being able to, so take up painting – practice, try, fail, repaint, just do it. That’s how you get gooder.
By Bill Stevenson, NDN Horoscopes