RezX CEO Chris Ross Takes On New Role As “Motivational Speaker”
“It takes a Clear Mind to Focus on a Vision” is something RezX CEO and Founder, Chris Tyrone Ross once said in a news story when he started his first business as a teenager. Almost 20 years later, Chris has returned to that philosophy and is now offering to share his story and experience as a motivational speaker.
As a young entrepreneur of almost 20 years, Chris is finally ready to tell his story, share some of his trade secrets and inspire Indigenous youth everywhere. He plans to start this new role by speaking at schools and organizations who could use his knowledge.
Throughout his career, Chris has been a Magazine Publisher/Editor, Music Promoter, Writer/Journalist, Retail Manager and is now the CEO of a new company he is currently starting in the fall of 2016.
Although, Chris is mostly known for starting Generation X Magazine, which would eventually go on to become “the very first Indigenous Youth Magazine in Canada!”
Gen-X started in Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, where he assembled a team of fellow students to be his writers and sold advertising to local businesses in order to put out his publication every month.
19 years later, he continues his passion with RezX Magazine, the RezX Podcast and RezX TV (a new tv show which airs in 104 communities in Saskatchewan).
Having learned almost everything on his own with some education, training and mentorship along the way, Chris has had to overcome more than the average entrepreneur.
When talking about his journey he says, “I learned to survive in the business world based on overcoming failure, and this is what I mostly teach to anyone wanting to start a business, that failure is evident, but surviving is optional”.
When talking to Indigenous youth, “I’ve always used my media to profile “real models”, which is a term I’ve coined and used throughout my magazine. Real Models just have more ‘realistic’ achievements for inner city youth and on-reserve youth to look up too. Like everyone else, they have flaws and made mistakes, but above all learned to succeed. They overcame major obstacles of poverty, rejection, racism, bullying, to become these ‘real’ models that ‘really’ connect with our youth.
I’am a perfect example of someone who grew up with a single father and two sisters, living below the poverty line, but somehow being able to survive and finding ways to be successful,” says Ross.
Chris Ross’s Motivational Workshops include various topics and stories meant to truly inspire and empower young people which also includes showing clips from his RezX TV Show.
Chris is currently taking bookings for the 2016-2017 School year. To book Chris Ross for your school, contact: 306-999-3055 /
(For more detailed info on speaking engagements and motivational workshops, please visit;
Chris Tyrone Ross – Entrepreneur & Motivational Speaker: It Takes A Clear Mind to Focus on a Vision
Chris Tyrone Ross – Entrepreneur & Motivational Speaker: Don’t Be Afraid To Fail, In Order to Succeed!