VIDEO: Sakewewak Storytellers Indigenous Music Showcase
Regina, SK – Part of Sakewewak’s Annual StoryTeller’s Festival was an Indigenous Music Showcase that was held last Friday at the Artful Dodger and RezX was there! Local bands, Snake Oil Salesmen and Kinder Scout performed lively sets as Winnipeg Comedian Ryan McMahon hosted with some hilarious stand up as well.
The jokes were mostly R-Rated and the music was rocking as people were entertained throughout the night. The system was so loud, people were seen yelling into each other ears, “I liked that last song!”
Throughout the week, the Artful Dodger played host to many StoryTeller’s events, like a Poetry Jam that packed the venue as well. But on this night, it was all about the music and laughs as RezX shot video from all angles to bring you our latest video news story, check it out below;
– Reporting and Filming by Chris Tyrone Ross and Jarrett Crowe / Editing by Jarrett Crowe